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Webinar | The Value of a VPAT®: How to Accelerate B2B Sales with Proof of Digital Product Accessibility

For business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) companies, digital accessibility is key to unlocking sales opportunities. In fact, 73% of senior leaders surveyed for our State of Digital Accessibility Report say their organization requires proof of accessibility when purchasing digital products. This proof comes in the form of a completed Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®).

But what’s involved in obtaining a VPAT? And how can you navigate this process to make the greatest possible impact on your business? Tune into this on-demand webinar, “The Value of a VPAT: How to Accelerate B2B Sales with Proof of Digital Product Accessibility,” to get the information you need to secure a completed VPAT that maximizes product sales.

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Led by Jon Avila, Chief Accessibility Officer at Level Access, this informative session offers a practical introduction to VPATs and Accessibility Conformance Reports (ACRs—which are completed VPATs), featuring insight from Ritu Jain, Senior Manager of Accessibility Services, and Justine Berretta, Team Lead and Accessibility Consultant.

Their conversation covers:

  • The key role of VPATs and ACRs in B2B and B2G sales cycles
  • The different editions of VPAT, and how to choose the right one for your organization
  • The impact of the new VPAT 2.5
  • Best practices for updating your VPAT
  • Answers to our customers’ most frequently asked questions about navigating the VPAT process

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