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The New Accessibility Audit: A User-First Approach

The status-quo approach to the accessibility audit is painstakingly slow and rarely leads to lasting progress. But there’s a faster, more effective approach to accessibility auditing that leading organizations are adopting to achieve their accessibility goals.

Download this guide to learn why testing user flows is the smartest way to audit.

Accelerate progress with an actionable auditing strategy

When organizations first commit to digital accessibility, they often request a one-time audit of their entire digital portfolio. The resulting report—which can take months to complete—details hundreds, if not thousands, of findings. It’s no surprise that the vast majority of organizations never manage to resolve all critical barriers. Request our guide to learn how a newer, more streamlined approach to auditing can help your organization swiftly identify and prioritize accessibility barriers for sustainable progress. You’ll discover:

  • How—and why—approaches to accessibility auditing are evolving
  • The definition of a user flow, and the different ways user flows are tested for accessibility
  • The key advantages of testing user flows compared to outdated auditing methods
  • How testing user flows fits into a broader agile auditing strategy

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