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Navigating the VPAT®: A Practical Guide to Accessibility Conformance Reports

Have potential buyers requested a completed Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) demonstrating your product’s accessibility? Are you considering completing a VPAT to gain a competitive edge, but unsure where to begin?

Our how-to guide provides actionable advice for navigating every step of the VPAT process, equipping you with the knowledge you need to reliably document your product’s accessibility. Request this resource today to start closing deals and demonstrating your organization’s commitment to inclusion.

Prove product accessibility. Unlock new business.

Whether you’re selling to government organizations or private-sector businesses, a completed VPAT, also known as an accessibility conformance report, will help you meet buyers’ requirements and stand out in the market. Access this guide for all the information you need to obtain effective VPAT documentation, including:

  • An introduction to the VPAT format, its contents and the accessibility standards it supports.
  • The types of buyers that require a completed VPAT.
  • The different editions of VPAT, and how to choose the right one for your product and business needs.
  • A five-step roadmap to navigating the VPAT process.
  • Best practices for maximizing the business impact of your VPAT report.

Ready to get started?