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Accessible Design Principles and Heuristics

Accessibility in digital design isn’t just about adhering to standards—it’s about creating experiences that feel intuitive and inviting to everyone.

This holistic guide includes more than 170 heuristics drawn from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and accessibility best practices and was produced specifically to help designers and content creators make accessibility an integral part of the design process.

Download this resource and gain the framework you need to start proactively weaving accessibility into your design practice.

Authored by Karen Hawkins, Principal of Accessible Design at Level Access

Karen Hawkins is a human factors engineer and a certified accessibility professional with more than 12 years of experience. She is a member of the IAAP OPDC (International Association of Accessibility Professionals’ Organizational Professional Development Committee) Career Pathways Working Group, as well as a member of the W3C’s Accessibility Roles and Responsibilities Matrix (ARRM) Working Group. As both a user experience designer and director, she honed her skills leading multi-disciplinary teams in creating digital solutions for leading global companies. Today, she leads the accessible design practice at Level Access, teaching customers and colleagues alike to apply accessible design thinking to all their work.

Want to know the story behind the guide? Check out Karen’s blog post for deeper insight.

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