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The Sixth Annual State of Digital Accessibility Report |

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Elevin Community: Free Web Accessibility Testing

As of July 1, 2023, we will no longer be offering Elevin community. If you currently leverage Elevin for testing, monitoring, and reporting, we’d love the opportunity to demo the Level Access Platform.

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People with disabilities regularly run into barriers when they use the web causing them to be shut out from essential aspects of life. Most organizations are unaware that their website or digital application has accessibility issues that are preventing users from being able to digitally engage with their business.



Fortunately we provide an easy and free way to test your websites and applications in order to identify common digital accessibility issues. To get started, visit our free tester tools at

Test your public website

All technology, including websites, must grant barrier-free access to people with disabilities. Is your website accessible? Use our free URL checker tool to find out your accessibility health score.

Get your free Web Accessibility Health Score

Test your app or secure website

Need to test an mobile app or secure site? We have tools for that. Our tools provide additional flexibility for testing throughout the entire development lifecycle.

Browse tools for developers

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